Building Capacity in Statistics and Audit in the Solomon Islands Project

Aug 29, 2023 | News, Uncategorized

Project Overview

The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) is seeking support from the World Bank to achieve its objectives for the Building Capacity in Statistics and Audit in the Solomon Islands project (CAPSA), scheduled to begin in December 2023 and to extend until December 2028. Spearheaded by the Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO) and the National Office of the Auditor General of the Solomon Islands (OAG), the project’s primary focus areas are:

  • Component 1 – Strengthening Statistical Capacity:

This component emphasizes the enhancement of statistical capabilities. Through technical assistance, capacity building, and investment in office equipment, CAPSA aims to empower SINSO to improve the availability and quality of official statistics in the Solomon Islands to support deliver accurate and insightful statistics to drive evidence-based decision-making.

  • Component 2 – Enhancing Audit Capacity:

Building on the strengths of OAG, Component 2 aims to bolster audit capacities. By facilitating the acquisition of essential resources and delivering expert guidance, this component will further enhance OAG’s ability to uphold transparency and government accountability.

  • Component 3 – Effective Project Management:

Sound project management is essential for the success of any project. Component 3 ensures that CAPSA will operate seamlessly by focusing on efficient coordination and oversight, enabling CAPSA to deliver results within the established timeframes.

Minimal Environmental and Social Impact

We are pleased to inform you that CAPSA’s activities predominantly revolve around technical assistance, equipment procurement, and capacity-building. As a result, the environmental and social risks are considered to be low. Furthermore, CAPSA’s design aligns with SIG’s commitment to improving the quality of SINSO and OAG services, which could potentially yield positive environmental and social outcomes. We anticipate no downstream environmental or social impacts arising from project implementation and no physical works will be funded or implemented.

Environmental and Social Risk Management

To ensure that potential environmental and social impacts are diligently managed across all stages of the project’s lifecycle and to foster active engagement with stakeholders, we have developed comprehensive environmental and social risk management instruments. Specifically, the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). These instruments are designed to guide SIG’s actions and maintain transparency during CAPSA’s implementation.

Get Involved!

We value your input and encourage you to engage with us. If you would like more information about CAPSA or wish to share your insights on the environmental and social risk management instruments, please contact:

Willie Lahari

Statistics Advisor

Solomon Islands National Statistics Office


Phone: (+677) 27835

Rachel McKechnie

Deputy Auditor General

Office of the Auditor-General


Phone: (+677) 28886 Thank you for your interest and support as we work together to enhance the quality of official statistics, promote government accountability, and contribute to evidence-based policy-making in the Solomon Islands.