Nov 1, 2024 | News

An Enumerator from Team 1 Makira Ulawa Province Interviewing a Household Member.

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey, HIES, 2024-2025 has progressed well through-out the country after its first week of commencement on Monday 21st October 2024.

The twelve-month survey involves approximately 4,700 households selected within nominated Enumerated Areas, (EA) throughout the country, with the aim to collect information, mainly on household income and expenditure. 

Most of the teams have completed their first household listing operations and have proceeded with enumeration within their respective EAs.

Choiseul Province Team 1 and 2 have completed their household listing together within the Provincial capital Taro and are currently conducting their enumeration.

In Western Province Teams 1 and 2 have begun enumeration in Noro and Gizo respectively starting on Monday 28th October. Team 3 will proceed with enumeration on Monday 4th November 2024 at Niniveh in Marovo lagoon.

In Isabel Province, both teams are currently in ward 25, Buala. Team 1 has completed its enumeration while Team 2 continues.

In Central Islands Province, Team 1 has completed its household listing in Bulolo and Ligatu and has proceeded with enumeration as of Monday 28th October 2024.

Team 2 Central Islands Province with the Provincial Premier Micheal Salini and the Provincial Secretary Allan Daonga During the Team’s Courtesy Visit on Thursday 31st October 2024.

Team 2 will start its awareness and household listing this week and proceed with enumeration on Monday 4th November 2024 in Ward 4 Tulagi.

In Ren-bel Province, the team has completed its household listing and proceeded with enumeration this week.

Guadalcanal Province with its four teams has also proceeded well with its HIES operation. Team 1 has completed its first EA in Ward 20 at New Zealand Camp, including New Zealand Island 1 and 2 and Korona Market.

Teams 2 and 4 at Babata and Sahalu Ward respectively, are continuing with their household interviews.

Team 3 will start its household listing at Ward 20 on Monday 4th November 2024. 

In Malaita Province all three teams worked together for the first household listing and enumeration which has concluded. Team 1 will move on to their second EA in Ward 5.

Some Team Members of Malaita Province HIES Team In Auki.

Team 2 has completed its household listing and has proceeded with enumeration starting Monday 28th October.

Team 3 is expected to proceed with household listing this week and start enumeration on the 4th of November 2024.

They should move to their new EA in Ward 25 West Areare on 11th November.

In Makira-Ulawa Province, both teams are currently at Central Bauro. Team 1 has started its enumeration and is expected to complete it early this week. Team 2 spent some time assisting Team 1 and started later with its household listing. It should proceed with enumeration as of Tuesday this week.

Far East in Temotu, Team 1 has begun enumeration on Monday 28th October in Luova, while Team 2 has proceeded with its household listing and will start enumeration on Monday 4th November.

Honiara’s Team 1 has completed its first EA in Karena Ngossi Ward and moved on to Savo Heights.

Team 2 in Mbumburu Ward has also concluded its enumeration while Team 3 in Vura Ward continues with its household interviews. Team 4 in Panatina Ward has completed its household listing and will proceed with enumeration on Monday 4th November.

Overall, the HIES is progressing within schedule and most of the SINSO coordinators are pleased with their team’s performance.

The HIES is implemented by the Solomon Islands National Statistics Office with funding support from the World Bank under component 2 of the Building Capacity in Statistics and Audit, CAPSA project, a partnership between the Solomon Islands Government and World Bank.
