Discussion have started between the National Statistics Office and international partners on project collaborations that could support remodeling and revitalization of Statistics for Solomon Islands.
The move was initiated by the Asian Development Bank, ADB, who are currently laying their groundwork project, especially the joint-ADB-NSO KSTA 6565 Project in supporting the production of the supply-use & input-output statistics and national accounts in Solomon Islands.
On Wednesday 22nd March 2023, NSO joined representatives from the ADB, World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, IMF and the Australian High Commission where they spoke on issues of Statistical assistance in various areas including the National Accounts.
ADB’s senior Statistician and Project Officer Mahinthan Joseph Mariasingham led the discussions.
The NSO staff and International partner representatives discussing with other international partners by zoom.
The donors spoke on the current assistance they are providing for the NSO including economic statistics, technical assistance and the upcoming HIES project.
While talks are in the early stages, the Government Statistician Douglas Kimi is very much optimistic that this joint effort with the international donors and partners will support the NSO in setting up the office and advancing the country’s statistics in the long term.
Discussions will continue to be progressed going-forward, and Mr Mariasingham advised that ADB will liaise with all stakeholders on the next stages of development.