The unemployment rate for Solomon Islands was recorded at 7.9 percent in the 2019 Census report.
The unemployment rate is a key economic indicator when assessing the performance of the labor market and the growth of the economy.
The 2019 Census report showed urban-unemployment (12.06%) was higher than rural-unemployment with twice the rate (6.25%).
This reflected similar unemployment rates amongst males and females within the respective urban-rural areas. However, at the national level, male and female unemployment rates were closely equivalent.
Table 12.16: Unemployed rates (official) in provinces by urban-rural areas and sex, Solomon Islands: 2019
By province, Honiara, had the highest unemployment rate of 13.5%, followed by Temotu with 9.1%. The latter accounted for the highest rural-unemployment rate (9.5%).
By provincial urban disaggregation, Choiseul had the highest urban-unemployment rate (18.7%) followed by Honiara, however by absolute numbers this was relatively low compared to Honiara.
By age distribution (see Figure 12.7), unemployment rates were relatively high during earlier ages, especially between age groups 12-14 to 20-24 years with male rates above their female counterparts.
The highest rate of 15.2% in all age groups was recorded for the age group 15-19 years.
Figure 12.7: Unemployment rates by age-group and sex, Solomon Islands: 2019
As age increased, unemployment rates began declining with both sexes exhibiting similar rates until ages 5054 years when male rates rose again but declined towards 70-74 years as female rates overtook their male counterparts.